SSL Fusion Transformer Plug-In (Serial Nr + Download)
$339.00 AUD
Add gentle low-frequency harmonic saturation and high-end sheen to your signals
The SSL Fusion Transformer plug-in emulates the Fusion’s switchable SSL Transformer circuit. The 600-ohm, 1:1-wound under-damped transformer introduces low-end thickening and high-end sheen to your signals, giving it a subtle heft as a result of the LF saturation and frequency phase shift introduced by driving the circuit.
Use SHINEto augment or remove the HF phase and EQ effects, turn up the AMOUNTto amplify the harmonic distortion.Both controls can be used to amplify the effects beyond the original circuit. The MIXcontrol allows you to blend with the original signal to dial in the perfect amount of transformer mojo.
In addition to LF EXTEND, which bypasses the dynamic LF roll-off – that is, the natural low-end roll off that occurs as you drive the transformer circuit - for extra low-end ‘oomph’ and ECOmode for tracking and recording, the SSL Fusion Transformer plug-inalso includes built-in help. Simply click the question mark ‘?’ symbol in the bottom-right hand corner and mouseover the GUI for context-aware guidance and information about the plug-in and its controls.
Modelled on the SSL Fusion Transformer circuit
Now available in plug-in form, so you can use across your all your tracks as well as on your mix and master buses
Add analogue heft to your signals
SHINE lets you augment or remove the high-end sheen and delicate high-frequency phase shift introduced by the transformer
The AMOUNT parameter can be used amplify the harmonic distortion beyond the effects of the original hardware
MIX control helps you to non-destructively dial in the perfect amount of processing
Driving the circuit harder introduces a natural low-end roll off that increases with input level
LF EXTEND switches out the low-frequency roll-off to preserve a weighty low-end
Built on the SSL Plug-in Engine.
NEW: Built-in help! Simply click the '?' symbol and mouseover the GUI for more information about each of the parameters
ECO mode: drop into 'ECO' mode for reduced latency and CPU-use, for tracking and recording purposes
Exceptional DSP design with reference to the original analogue circuit designs
Modelled using a combination of real-life measurements, analogue circuit designs, and close collaboration with the original analogue designers of the SSL Fusion hardware and validated by real-world producers
SSL’s cross-platform preset management and A/B-ing system
Built-in UNDO/REDO support
Comes with presets from world-class producersand engineers Romesh Dodangoda, Sean Divine and Wez Clarke.
It’s a true centrepiece visually, but also the angled rack spaces set back into the desk means everything is easily reached but not in the way.
The lighting is the icing on the cake.
The MOD Dwarf is a highly flexible audio and midi processing pedal. It is simple to use to set-up normal audio effects chains but a bit more thinking is involved adapting to the midi/cv system. I love that it is now fully open source with all system software free to view and contribute to. Mod Audio is currently working on a desktop version using the same software which will allow the best of both worlds, DAW integration and a portable live system.