SSL Fusion HF Compressor Plug-In (Serial Nr + Download)
$329.00 AUD
Tame undesirable harshness in your tracks and mixes, using Fusion’s analogue high-frequency rounding
The SSL Fusion HF Compressor plug-in emulates the high frequency smoothing circuit from the SSL Fusion stereo outboard hardware processor.
This compressor only affects only frequencies above the crossover and delivers the distinctive sound of high-frequency rounding. With the ratio, attack and release all optimised for maximum transparency, the smooth compression and tape-like high frequency roll-off help tame unwanted harshness that can build up in a mix, or with individual stems.
In addition to the features of the original hardware, the SSL Fusion HF Compressor plug-inintroduces MIX and AUTO GAIN controls, which allow you to dial in the perfect amount of HF smoothing and apply an automatic makeup gain to the compressed frequencies. Combined with feedback from the Gain Reduction graphs, meter and circuit activity LED from the original hardware, quickly taming harshness is a breeze.
Along with ECO mode for tracking and recording, the SSL Fusion HF Compressor plug-inalso introduces a brand-new feature of the SSL Plug-in Engine – built-in help. Simply click the question mark ‘?’ symbol in the bottom-right hand corner and mouseover the GUI for context-aware guidance and information about the plug-in and its controls.
Modelled on the SSL Fusion HF Compressor processor.
Now available in plug-in form, so you can use across your all your tracks as well as on your mix and master buses.
Delivers analogue-style HF rounding for taming brittle high-frequencies.
Remove sibilance from vocals, sooth electric guitars and tame cymbals in drum tracks.
Very simple THRESHOLDand X-OVER controls for quickly achieving great results.
Ratio, attack and release optimised under-the-hood for maximum transparency.
MIX control help to non-destructively dial in the perfect amount of HF smoothing.
AUTO GAIN applies an automatic make-up gain to the high frequencies – try using it on drums at more extreme settings, to tame harshness while maintaining crispy cymbals!
The Gain Reduction History graphand Gain Reduction meter make it easy to visualise the effect of the circuit.
… or use the classic hardware LED to see when the circuit is kicking in.
Use LISTEN to solo the sibilant frequencies that are being compressed and removed from the signal.
Built on the SSL Plug-in Engine.
NEW: Built-in help! Simply click the '?' symbol and mouseover the GUI for more information about each of the parameters.
ECO mode: drop into 'ECO' mode for reduced latency and CPU-use, for tracking and recording purposes
Exceptional DSP design with reference to the original analogue circuit designs.
Modelled using a combination of real-life measurements, analogue circuit designs, and close collaboration with the original analogue designers of the SSL Fusion hardware and validated by real-world producers.
SSL’s cross-platform preset management and A/B-ing system.
Built-in UNDO/REDO support.
Comes with presets from world-class producersand engineers Adrian Hall, Caesar Edmunds and Sean Divine.
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