Comprehensive mixing tool inspired by classic analogue gate hardware and SSL workflow
SSL X-Gate is a comprehensive mixing tool inspired by classic analogue gate hardware and workflow from SSL's Live and Broadcast consoles. Featuring a rolling waveform graph, mid/side processing options & tweakable hysteresis using independent open & closed thresholds, X-Gate builds upon renowned hardware gates, all delivered through SSL’s advanced workflow interface.
X-Gate delivers a range of unique control features for extended sound sculpting – use the intuitive sidechain filter interface and mid/side balance options to focus the gate on unwanted sounds and leave the processed signal as natural or affected as you’d like.
In addition to visual feedback including the hardware-inspired traffic light system for immediate visual confirmation of the gate’s current status, the rolling waveform visualisation graph provides an intuitive display of the incoming signal against which to set your open and close thresholds.
Ideal not only for sound design in the mixing stage, X-Gate introduces variable lookahead times and zero additional plug-in latency at the lowest setting, making it the perfect tool for tracking situations where mic bleed can distract from the primary source material.
The EXP and DUCK modes immediately drops the plug-in into two additional modes, visualised by the I/O graph: fixed expander mode for transparent gating, and duck mode for attenuating a signal only when it exceeds a threshold – combine this with your DAW’s sidechain for intelligent ducking
Easy-to-use THRESHOLDand RANGEcontrols, visually aligned with WAVEFORM GRAPH and GAIN REDUCTION METER for coordinated control
ROLLING WAVEFORM VISUALISATION GRAPH for setting the perfect threshold
Hysteresis - split OPENand CLOSE THRESHOLDbehaviour
ATTACK, RELEASEand HOLDtime parameters gives detailed control over the shaping of the audio
Tune the performance of the gate using the interactive FILTER GRAPH to apply HIGH-and LOW-PASS FILTERS the sidechain signal
Use the EXPANDERmode and accompanying KNEEcontrol for a more transparent option: make quiet signals quieter, and expand the dynamic range of the signal
Simple discrete LOOKAHEAD options for minimising the latency when using a lookahead
Transform the plug-in into a production ducker with a single click – use DUCKmode to invert the sidechain logic, attenuating the signal only when it exceeds the threshold i.e., to duck the music when you speak into your microphone
Tailor the gate to best suit your source material using PEAK/RMSDETECTIONoptions
Tri-colour TRAFFIC LIGHT CUES give a clear indication on the momentary open/closed/hold state of the gate
Use the MID/SIDE processing options to trigger the gate in creative ways or gate only the mono or stereo components on the signal
These are a fantastic solid stand. I have my. Adam A77h’s on them . However, if I’m wrong cable management would be a blessing on the back but have been to the hardware shop to get some cable clips.