
SoundParticles AudioMatrix Perpetual (Serial Nr + Download)

AudioMatrix is a channel routing utility plugin, capable of re-routing any input channel to any output channel, with gain and polarity controls. Your life went a lot easier right now!

The utility plugin to help all sound professionals

Say goodbye to complexity and experience a smoother, more efficient audio production process with AudioMatrix by your side. Your audio engineering tasks are now simplified, allowing you to focus on unleashing your creative potential with ease.


It might seem simple, but it is the utility plugin that you need on your toolset

Manage Gains

Whether you need to boost the signal or make subtle adjustments, AudioMatrix offers a fast and precise way to manage the gain in each routing connection. Say goodbye to complex manual adjustments and enjoy a streamlined workflow.

Polarity Inversion

With AudioMatrix you can easily invert the polarity of any audio signal, which can be quite handy in many situations, from Mid-Side conversions to Sub-Woofer alignment.

ALL Output Formats

Don’t get stuck on any output format. If you work in 9.1.6 and your client wants the track in 5.1, quickly and accurately translate it in AudioMatrix. From mono up to 64 channels, with any in-between format. Your creativity is free!

Use cases

Here are a few examples of where and how your AudioMatrix will fit like a glove

Mid-Side Conversions

Thanks to AudioMatrix, Mid-Side workflows are not complex anymore. Create MS matrices with a few clicks and convert stereo to Mid-Side and back to stereo. Save your time (…and your sanity).

Big Monos

With AudioMatrix, you can now easily transform your immersive audio into a big mono sound in the blink of an eye, or create custom mono sounds controlling the contribution of each channel.


Sometimes you feel the need to flip left <-> right channels, either in stereo or in 7.1.2, to better adapt your sound to the needs of the image. With AudioMatrix, it’s a simple task.

Bring to Center

You have panned a track to the perfect spot in the back of the room. Now that you spotted a clicking noise, why not bring it to the center speaker as you surgically remove that anomaly? Clean up the sound with precision, without having to sprain your neck.

Channel/LFE Control

Mute or change the gain of each channel independently. Sometimes, you want to reduce the surrounds, or to get a better control over LFE (changing its level, adding contribution from other channels, or simply silence it).

Change Formats

Working with different 5.1 formats? With AudioMatrix, you can simply convert from 5.1 Film to 5.1 SMPTE by changing channel ordering.

Speaker Array Management

Do you need to play 5.1 material on a 7.1 studio? Don’t leave a hole in the back, with the rear speakers in silence. Use AudioMatrix to route surround channels to both side and rear speakers, and with the right levels.


Did you just finish your video game’s Sound Design mix in 7.1? Wouldn't it be nice if you could easily create Fold-Downs in 5.1 and Stereo? Now you can, with AudioMatrix.

Send to the Sub-Woofer

Would you like to send the main channels to the sub-woofer? If you don’t have a bass management system, AudioMatrix can help you and route all channels to the sub-woofer with independent levels.


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