
SSL Native X-Phase Plug-In (Serial Nr + Download)

Frequency-specific phase control

X-Phase is an All-pass Filter plug-in that offers the user manual control and high quality response. It enables the user to apply a phase shift (sometimes called a phase offset) at a specified frequency within a signal. Unlike other filter types where the gain of selected frequencies is altered, with an All-pass Filter the gain remains unchanged throughout the signal. This is useful for fixing phase problems with microphones when recording: e.g. overheads causing phase problems when mixed with close mic's.

X-Phase can also be used to create a comb filter by applying a filtered signal to an unfiltered version of the same signal. With X-Phase the controls are simple: a Frequency control selects the desired frequency where a phase offset needs to be applied, a Q control sets the slope of the curve of correction to be applied across the signal and a phase invert button enables the phase of the filter to be flipped 180 degrees.

A separate Delay section is applied to the entire signal for broader time alignment of the signal. The Delay controls consist of a delay control which can be set to display and adjust in seconds, milliseconds, samples, metres or feet and a set of buttons for fine-tuning.


  • Advanced phase correction software
  • Eliminates tedious manual phase alignment
  • Control the phase of specific frequency bands
  • Comprehensive delay control with millisecond, samples, meters, and feet settings
  • Adjust left and right channels independently or together

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