Plugins for films, games, TV, corporate videos, and DJs
Plugins Chosen by Sound Designers, for Sound Designers
Created in consultation with movie sound designer Scott Gershin(Star Trek, Hellboy 2, American Beauty)and game guru Charles Deenen(Need for Speed, Fast & Furious 1 and 2), this collection’s 40 creative plugins can mold, modulate, and mangle sound—from FX to textured soundscapes.
In addition to essential plugins like compression and equalization, Sound Design Suite can warp time, pitch, transients, stereo imaging, doppler effects, emphasis, distortion, and much more.
Bend pitch with Ultrapitch, and transpose with SoundShifter
Thicken sounds with doublers and delays
Plugins like Enigma, Doppler, and MondoMod twist space and time
Choose from multiple compressors—vintage to modern
Impress one sound’s character on another sound with Morphoder
Maximizers can slam volume for power and punch
Create floor-shaking bass with LoAir subharmonic generator
Choose your EQ—vintage, analog, or precision linear-phase
Create melodic segments with the Electric Grand 80 piano
Add dirt, distortion, and crunch with guitar amp processors
The DAW versions listed below are the latest on which we tested and officially qualified each the latest version of our products.
Waves’ latest version works on newer sub-versions of these DAWs, unless stated otherwise.
If your DAW (or DAW version) is not listed here, we recommend youdemo the productyou wish to purchase to confirm it works.
Your DAW must be running on an operating system that supports it in order for plugins to work properly. To confirm that your DAW version is supported on your operating system, please refer to your DAW’s website.
This little box is certainly a no brainer, even with a treated studio it adds to a better image between your monitors. It is a must for any room , simply put, just get one and you shall hear it!!
Utilicé Hit’n’Mix Ripx Daw Pro gratis, pero se bloqueó después de una semana, luego busqué y encontré la odosta store, que creo que es un sitio legítimo de Microsoft debido a su servicio posventa.
It’s a true centrepiece visually, but also the angled rack spaces set back into the desk means everything is easily reached but not in the way.
The lighting is the icing on the cake.