
Jays Headphones

Jays was founded in 2006 with a vision that everyone should have the opportunity to experience great sound and design. Two pioneering digital-music-entrepreneurs, Jens and Johan combined their skillset and founded Jays. Jens already with an extensive experience from the world of digital music at this time. He founded the company Jens of Sweden in 2001. The name Jays was derived from the combination of the founders initials J+J.

With a clear focus on the effortless listening experience Jays engineered award winning headphones with tangle-free wire solutions, L-shaped plug and a great sound. Since then the Swedish Jays-team has continuously been developing headphones with a minimalistic approach, where nothing but improved performance and cleaner aesthetics has been added. Today Jays is known for great sounding and great looking digital sound products with an effortless interface.
